Saturday 3 May
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9.00-10.30 | Translating Culture I Chair: Christopher Bush Yizhong Ning (Beijing Language and Culture) The Welcome Other: translation and cultural transplanting
Steven Yao (Hamilton College) 'Cathay’ and the languages of modernism
Timothy Billings (Middlebury College) Victor Segalen’s Sigillary Sinography: the Seal of Authority and the Spell of Alterity
| Break
11.00-12.30 | Translating the Western Canon Chair: Hans van de Ven
Liu Dong (Peking University) The first Chinese translation of Mill’s On Liberty
Wang Hui (Tsinghua University) Scientific World View, Cultural Debates and the Reclassification of Knowledge in Twentieth Century China
Lu Jiande (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): For Continuity: Lin Shu and the New Literature Movement
12.30-13.30 | Lunch |
13.30 - 15.30 | Translating Modernity Chair: Brett de Bary Haun Saussy (Yale University) Translation and Transcription: Media Creoles and the Invention of the Delufeng
Red Chan (University of Warwick) The Cult of the Amateur: Internet and Re-configuration of Cross-Cultural Transfer
C.J. Wan-Ling Wee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) We Asians”?: Modernity, Visual-Art Exhibitions, and East Asia Julia Lovell (Birkbeck College) Modern Chinese Literature in the Global Canon – the Quest for Recognition
15.30-16.00 | Break |
16.00-16.45 | Round Table Discussion: Directions for the Future Chair: Mary Jacobus
Wang Ning, Haun Saussy, Hans van de Ven
17.30 Fitzwilliam Museum
| Exhibition, short talk and closing reception at Fitzwilliam Museum |
話說我們一行十個人聲勢真是浩大,與會的貴賓們跟小紅老師說:妳們班來了好多人啊 ^^
小紅老師介紹了很多個多語言的部落格,果不其然第一個介紹的就是[GVO 全球之聲],還有一些聽說是中國內地第一大的博客,結果我卻連聽都沒聽過(看!我是不是很孤陋寡聞、與世隔絕呢?)